The Ethics Commission of the AFBC grants a period of 30 days to the Algerian Boxing Federation to regularize the situation vis-à-vis Mr. Ferhat Fazil Abdelnour.

Mr. Ferhat Fazil Abdelnour is the President of the Algerian Boxing Federation who was unfairly removed from the Algerian sports movement by the Minister of Youth and Sports. He must be rehabilitated, failing which the Ethics Commission of the AFBC may suggest to the Board of Directors of the AFBC to propose the suspension of the Algerian Boxing Federation.



Mr. Krineh Hakim,

April 17, 2023.

Sending by e-mail:


Ref. No. 002/AFBC-ETC/0423

Subject: Situation of the Algerian Boxing Federation and the unjustified cancellation of the President Ferhat Fazil Abdelnour.

Dear Sir,

I am honored by these happy opportunities offered to me and I take this opportunity to convey to you my cordial greeting and that of the members of the ethics commission of the African Boxing Confederation -AFBC.

We hereby acknowledge receipt of your letter No. 303/SG/FAB/23 of 11 April 2023 in response to our e-mail of 06/04/2023 in which we asked you for clarification on the situation of the Algerian Boxing Federation and its President Mr. Ferhat Abdelnour unfairly removed from the Algerian Sports Movement by the MJS.

We have carefully read your presentation on this case and have consulted the constitutions and regulations of the AFBC and the IBA as well as the legal and regulatory arsenal that governs sport in Algeria in general, the COA and the FAB in particular, with particular emphasis on the consultation of Law 13.05 of 23 July 2013, on the organization and development of physical and sports activities, Executive Decree No. Boxing (FAB) adopted in 2015. We also analyzed the various reports of the leaders of the Algerian delegation in Istanbul during the women’s world championship, the letters of indictment of the complainants as well as various other documents available concerning this file.

From this careful reading and consultations, this AFBC ethics commission has consolidated its convictions expressed in our first e-mail of April 06, 2023 and issues the following considerations:

1. The removal of Mr. Farhat Fazil Abdenour was pronounced by a structure outside the Algerian boxing federation, in violation of the statutes of the Algerian boxing federation, which has a committee on statutes, regulations and discipline; paragraph (g) of point 1 of Article 11 of the constitution of the AFBC and various provisions of the Regulation on the IBA’s membership policy.

2. The interference of the Algerian Olympic Committee in the process of deregistration of Mr. Farhat Fazil Abdenour has been established, with regard to Articles 29, 30, 31 of its own statutes and the principle of autonomy dear to members of the Olympic movement.

3. Article 217 of Law 13.05 of 23 July 2013 requires the opinion of the Olympic Committee and not its involvement in conducting an investigation and issuing a deregistration. And the accused is entitled to appeal before the final implementation of the decision.

4. The election of Mr Khelif Youssef was in violation of the statutes of the AFBC and the IBA, in particular Articles 5.6 and 8.2 of the Regulation on the IBA’s Membership Policy, and, as a result, cannot be recognized by either the AFBC or the IBA. This has just been confirmed by the IBA through the recent letter that its Secretary General of the IBA Mr. George A. Yerolimpos sent to your Federation on April 11, 2023, a copy of which is attached.

5. By noting these serious violations, this AFBC Ethics Commission, using the prerogatives granted to it in paragraph (d) of point 3 of Article 34 of the Constitution of the AFBC, grants the Algerian Boxing Federation a period of 30 days from April 18, 2023 to be able to remedy the reported shortcomings and proceed with the rehabilitation of Mr. Farhat Fazil Abdenour in his statutory rights.

6. If after the deadline granted nothing is done for the normalization of this situation, this Ethics Commission will have no choice but to suggest to the AFBC Board of Directors to propose the suspension of the Algerian Boxing Federation.

7. We inform all members of the Federal Bureau of the Algerian Boxing Federation of the content of this correspondence so that they understand the intransigence of the AFBC regarding strict compliance with its constitution and regulations on the one hand, and on the other hand the seriousness of the situation in which the Algerian Boxing Federation finds itself.

In agreement of good cooperation on the part of the leaders of the Algerian boxing family, please believe Mr. Secretary General, in the assurance of our perfect consideration.

Very athletically.

David M. Pina